Our Rapid City, SD chapter of Catholic Schoolhouse is directed by Jennifer Henderson and co-directed by Michelle Clement.
Jennifer and her husband JD moved to South Dakota from Tennessee five years ago. They have 4 children in Catholic Schoolhouse this year. Jennifer has a Bachelor’s Degree in Music. She taught in a Catholic mission high school in Belize for two years and then spent 5 years working with a missionary society in Texas. She also assisted other families in homeschooling their children before she was married. She helps to facilitate the Facebook page for Catholic homeschoolers in the Rapid City diocese. Jennifer enjoys supporting other families in their desires to homeschool their children in the Catholic faith!
Michelle and her husband Dustin both grew up in South Dakota. Michelle attended college at the University of Mary in Bismarck, ND majoring in Social Behavioral Science with a certificate in Early Childhood Development. After starting their family in ND, Dustin and Michelle moved back to SD and began homeschooling their oldest child. They now have five children in Catholic School House and enjoy taking part in community activities and exploring the beautiful Black Hills.